Part 3: Manager and consultant… Mind the gap!


For more information about Improvid Performance Consulting visit our Human Performance Improvement website. Part 3 of a series of articles on the 10 standards for Performance Improvement. “Mind the gap” is a phrase we all know too well, or rather if you have travelled to London and used the underground rail system.  The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “gap” as follows: Lack of balance A problem caused by some disparity An incomplete or deficient area A wide difference in character or attitude In our world of Performance Improvement we should “find the gap” and then “mind the gap”!  Sadly, in many organisations today gap [...]

Part 3: Manager and consultant… Mind the gap!2020-07-16T13:02:45+00:00

A must-read book (and must-see movie) on the story of McDonalds!


Without a doubt - make sure you take the time to watch (and read!) the following movie and book about the story of McDonalds: "Grinding it Out" by Ray Kroc "The Founder" starring Michael Keaton Both the book and movie offer the most compelling business case, illustrating all the gaps and factors inhibiting performance, as well as the indicators for success once the problems and opportunities have been identified and analysed. It is a great read, view and discuss for any management team!

A must-read book (and must-see movie) on the story of McDonalds!2020-07-16T13:06:10+00:00

The series: The 10 standards for Performance Improvement 


For more information about Improvid Performance Consulting visit our Human Performance Improvement website. Part 1 of a series of articles on the 10 standards for Performance Improvement. Most of us have a favorite pair of jeans we can slip into without thinking. It is a comfort, a habit, a self-confident feeling when wearing those jeans. Unlike a tangible product like jeans, performance in any organisation is a complex issue, but it need not be uncomfortable; in fact, it should become a habit. Redefining sustainable performance in any organisation is not an easy task. And Levi Strauss & Co. understands this very well. [...]

The series: The 10 standards for Performance Improvement 2020-07-16T13:10:30+00:00

Preparing for 2020: Why spending less will achieve more


For more information about Improvid Performance Consulting visit our Human Performance Improvement website. Economists are preparing us for a challenging 2017 and the goal is simple: ‘Spend less and achieve more’ to prepare for 2020.  While this might seem a difficult task, it’s undoubtedly possible for those managing performance at all levels to achieve – from the first-time supervisor to the executive. Recently, I showcased 8 Performance Improvement Predictions for 2017.  Today I want to take a closer look at my first prediction – People Focus – and show you how by addressing performance gaps in your organisation, you can maximise the [...]

Preparing for 2020: Why spending less will achieve more2020-07-16T13:17:18+00:00

HR and L&D! It’s time to focus on holistic performance…


For more information about Improvid Performance Consulting visit our Human Performance Improvement website. Recently I showcased 8 Performance Improvement Predictions for 2017.  Today I want to take a closer look at one of my predictions: Holistic Performance. In this article I will show you how, by applying a trusted way of focusing on holistic performance, you can achieve sustainable results and impact. If you want to ‘dust off’ your HR, Learning and Development (L&D) strategy – you need this! The performance landscape is changing so fast it is almost impossible to keep up with the new models and theories that constantly emerge.  Working with clients over [...]

HR and L&D! It’s time to focus on holistic performance…2020-07-16T13:18:58+00:00
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